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Why are mailing box or shipping box or corrugated box so popular?

  • source:Cindy
  • Time:05/05/2022

With the development of the internet, the individual businesses or small businesses are increasing to open the online shops. Therefore, more and more businesses will choose relatively low cost, cost-effective aircraft packaging box as the first choice for delivery packaging box.


Because the mailing box or shipping box or corrugated box can print the boxes with logo, store name, address and the other information, which cannot only increase the brand awareness of the customers, but also increase the sales of the products.


As we all known, the mailing box or shipping box is a branch of the carton box, which is the first choice for package and shipping. And it is usually made of corrugated box.


There are two obvious differences between the mailing box or shipping box and the traditional packing box.

1. The mailing box or shipping box is more strong, so it can protect the clothes or the products during the long distance transportation.

2. The design of the mailing box or shipping box is more elegant, which is very special from the other boxes.


The mailing box or shipping box has many functions, which is very convenient, simplicity and space saving. You can take the mailing or shipping box to school, and use it for holding the papers, books, and so on.


Why the mailing box or shipping box is so called its name, because it looks like the airplanes. It is made of corrugated paper and generally has three layers and five layers. The customization of corrugated box has the advantages of compression resistance, recycling, anti-fall, strong impact resistance, robustness and stability.


It is widely used in the outer packing of electronic instruments, jewelry, clothing, handicrafts, electronic products, daily necessities and other products.





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